Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Lorax!

Hey,sorry I haven't been posting often. Anyways tomorrow were going to the Lorax at the movie theater! So remember to wear your class t-shirt and pack a lunch. I haven't seen the movie before so no one spoil anything for me! I just read the book for the first time and it was the cutest book! You know me, I'm a big tree hugger so I'll support anything that helps the earth!:) Oh, and today we had writes upon request and the topic was pretty good, it was if your community was making a time capsule what is one thing that should be in there. I liked it! Alright well I'll try to post more often:/ BYE


  1. I'm so exited to see the movie!! The topic was pretty easy, not as hard as I thought, ya know? What did you say you put in your Time Capsule?

  2. A video of life here in Tallahassee in 2012! You? Üüüüüüüüüüüüü. (I'm in love with doing that!)

    1. I put an iTouch because they will think that its really lame and weird and funny!

      Üüüüüüüûüüüü did you see the û?
